Alum Tulcea finalised the project for the new slag storage system

Mon, 02/16/2009 - 01:00
  • The pond will partly be shut down, and a system for storing thick slag will be built
  • The company budgets approximately USD 500,000 per year for maintaining the slag dump, according to environment regulations

Tulcea, 16 February 2009 – The alumina producer Alum Tulcea prepared a complex programme for environmental protection, including the upgrading project for the slag dump managed by the company.

The project consists of partially closing the dump for red slag and building a system for thick slag depositing. This will allow slag storage in a compact form, with a 52-62% solid content, and a system which will allow gathering of pluvial water.

The slag dump is part of the technological process of producing alumina, and has the water management authorization, given by the National Water Management System Bucharest and the authorisation given by the Ministry of Environment regarding the safe operational standard of the red slag dump from Flam's Valley.

Annually, Alum budgets approximately USD 500,000 for maintaining the slag dump within the legal standards. In the process of slag depositing, no chemical components are used, and over the slag's surface, a mobile aspersion system operates for moistening the material, therefore stopping the dust from spreading in times of prolonged drought. The company brings water by tanks in extreme weather conditions, such as drought during the summer or during winter, when the aspersion system is frozen.

Moreover, the present storing technology does not produce toxic used water, toxic or dangerous substances which would affect the environment or the locals' health.

The company constantly monitors the deposit with the help of specialized institutes such as ICIM Bucharest, ECOIND Bucharest, IPROCHIM Bucharest. These companies’ conclusions have been that the stored slag is not considered dangerous, the level of emissions is below the concentration limit allowed. Following the laboratory analysis made by these institutes, the reports show that there is a low impact in the slag dump perimeter, being insignificant in neighbourhood areas and the slag is not considered dangerous as there are no emissions that could affect the environment.